Email marketing is a challenge for any business – open rates, engagement rates, click throughs and final commitment are all metrics that need to be measured and improved on so that the magical ROI figure increases as we require. Depending on the size of your business, your marketing will be at a certain level of maturity, and depending on the level of maturity, there are a number of different solutions for email marketing, but what is the right solution for your business?

Setting up a start-up business last year, one of our clients was utilising a free email marketing system to send out email newsletters every month to their database of contacts. After a discussion about email marketing, we got the client to make the realisation that email marketing is much more than just sending out a monthly newsletter. There are several factors to consider:


  • Nurturing new email data
  • Profiling email data
  • Understanding content appetites
  • Creating thoughtful, engaging content
  • Understanding which metrics are important to success
  • Measuring performance and performance that matters!


Through our experience, we have found that for b2b campaigns where the purchase life-cycle is longer, lead nurturing is extremely important and email must function within a broader marketing strategy. Martech platforms such as emarsys and pardot are a great choice for businesses that want to drive customers through a journey and (the important bit) utilise technology for more efficient user experiences and time management internally (why do it yourself when technology can do it for you).

When using these types of systems for your email marketing strategy, you will be able to setup funnel options which will send scheduled emails based on responses and actions to previous emails, funneling recipients down the paths you desire. For example, you may want to send a specific targeted email to those interacting with your emails and clicking onto your website. Similarly, you may want to target those that aren’t interacting at all but have been a client of yours in the past.

When using Martech platforms you can send automated emails that resonate with a specific audience. If a prospect keeps clicking on a certain page of your site, you can track this and an automated email will be sent to them offering a discount on this particular service, for example.There is definitely room to utilise email marketing automation for b2b companies aiming to push sales and secure clients.


POLARIS is a leading B2B SEO agency. Specialising in the Healthcare, Travel and B2B sectors, POLARIS offer a wealth of knowledge from a dedicated team of SEO and Digital Marketing experts.

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  • Email Marketing
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