B2B SEO expertise is a topic that crops up weekly in our offices, usually from marketing managers making enquiries to us for our SEO services. B2B SEO is very different to conventional lead or ecommerce SEO as B2B campaigns require a more analytical approach.
Our focus for B2B SEO really likes upon understanding your customer profile and how you currently interact with them, as B2B campaigns usually integrate within a broader marketing strategy overall for a client. For example, you may have an internal database of prospects gathered through an outbound sales team, which can be targeted by mail shot, driving users through to the site on open or at a later date.
All of your marketing channels need to be integrated, with SEO being a part of the overall mix so that we can understand how we can complement the overall experience for a prospect so that they do come online and make an enquiry. Some top line focus points for our campaigns are:
– understanding your overall marketing strategy
– understanding the information that helps a prospect ‘buy in’ to your software offering at research stage
– understanding who a prospect is (e.g. their position, remit, interests, other websites they may visit)
– understanding the current user journeys onsite (drop offs, key landing pages etc)
– understanding any PPC that has been conducted
– gaining insight into any short term marketing campaigns driving traffic through to the site (seminar bookings, software trials etc)
– how the website integrates within your internal sales team and CRM solutions (for data management and retargeting through Email, Social etc)
This is a snapshot of the process we follow for all clients requiring B2B SEO Campaigns.