Search engine optimization is all tailored to what people are typing into search engines. So, as you can imagine this is a crucial step to generating website traffic.

Keyword research is the practice of researching relevant and sector specific keywords that are being searched for by search engine users. At POLARIS SEO agency, our experienced professionals often determine our clients most valuable and high demand services during this step of the process. But that’s the easy bit. The next step involves determining the useful keywords that will not only generate traffic, but also the right customers.

Make a list of keywords

Even if you’ve never conducted keyword research, you probably have a good idea of your most popular services. Put these in order starting from the most profitable ones because after all you’re running a business and want to see your profits grow! Once you’ve narrowed down the services you are going to focus on, it’s time to research more specific keywords. For example, if you have an e-commerce website selling fashionable clothing but want to focus on jeans, check to see which type of jeans are searched for most e.g. colour/material/brand.

As an SEO agency, our research process involves a thorough keyword research stage. This means that our team often identify new opportunities for clients whilst determining the most popular services online which may differ to brick and mortar business demands.

Look at the competition

It’s very exciting finding keywords with thousands of monthly searches but your website has a very small chance of success if you are competing with big online players, particularly if this is the first time you are implementing an SEO strategy. This brings us to our next point.

Long tail keywords

Long tail keywords are generally three phrases or longer. These are more specific searches and although they have fewer searches, if conducted correctly, you’ll see a rise in conversion rates. Users type long tail keywords after they’ve browsed the web and have a better idea of exactly what they are looking for. Focusing on long tail keywords is a good strategy because it means you’ll be faced with less competition and capture customers that are ready to purchase.

Let’s use the jeans example again. A user may begin by searching for ‘blue jeans’ then find they want ‘blue skinny jeans’ and find that they like the brand ‘blue Armani skinny jeans’ – this is what you can focus on ranking for.

The importance of keyword research in 2017

Though SEO guidelines change and get updated regularly, keyword optimisation remains highly important. This is because search engine algorithms determine the relevance of webpages by crawling and matching keyword phrases searched by users.

This is why it’s essential for your keyword list to be as relevant and closely related to your products/services as possible.


Looking for SEO agencies? Get in contact with Polaris for our services on 0203 475 6799 or email

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