Getting other Agencies involved in SEO can often create confusion but given the changing face of SEO, collaborating with a good PR Agency can create higher visibility online.

Digital Marketing Agencies are always looking for fresh and engaging content to capitalise on for organic search whilst PR agencies are responsible for producing company updates. When working together, it can increase the awareness and profile of a business and create prime content which can be used within an SEO campaign.

PR companies can offer quite a few high profile contacts that may offer a link to a client website and are media savvy which means PR teams are fantastic in writing media content that will go viral quickly and successfully and Ethical SEO teams can optimise the content for SEO purposes.

Being part of a company or business that has a PR agency involved can create a higher authority, therefore if you are able to promote on your website that you have a PR agency working for you it is more likely that other companies will want to link to your website. To ensure maximum value from both PR and SEO investments, you need to make sure that your Ethical SEO agency is aware of any PR updates that occur. It is helpful if both companies are in the same area too as this can also add to benefitting your SEO Services in Kent and London by allowing both agencies to hold regular meetings to combine calenders for forward planning.

Working in harmony is the key to the success of a PR Agency benefitting your organic SEO campaign.

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