Search Console has recently removed the Search Queries section of Google Search Console as the new and improved Search Analytics report takes shape. Building up data over time can be very valuable and using Google Search Console statistics can provide the first step of valuable data for an SEO campaign on not just potential keyword targets, but also devices used for searches, location specific trends and the average click through rates, impressions and average positions where relevant.


Analysing Impressions and Clicks for Better Market Understanding

The ‘search analytics’ tab within Google Search Console is easily used and can be filtered with a number of tick boxes and filters within the tab navigation.

For example, within the navigation it is possible to filter impressions and clicks on mobile from a particular location. Alternatively, the search performance of specific landing pages can be targeted – including the average position for particular search terms.

The initial stage on Search Analytics should start with top level impression analysis, and resulting clicks, allowing for market understanding and the placement of a website within this market.

Selecting a date range further allows for data to be segmented into seasonal trends –which increases the benefit of the platform to E-commerce websites looking to spot buying trends of users.


Auditing Landing Pages to Enhance Website Performance

Looking at the performance of landing pages within Search Analytics offers a top level indicator to how current SEO work is performing and which pages need work to improve their average position and clicks.

The task of auditing pages can be carried out on a campaign level using the filters section under the ‘pages’ tab. This allows for the complete range of pages from any URL slug to be audited separately in order to have a clear insight to data. Again, this includes impressions, clicks and CTR.

Going deeper than just all pages allows a web owner or SEO agency to see where the weak links in any campaign are, creating natural goals for the enhancement of website performance in the future.


Improving Mobile Search Performance With Device Insights

Mobile search is currently the hottest topic in the world of SEO and the ‘device insights’ tab within Search Analytics gives instant insight to mobile search performance. It also offers tablet and desktop performance statistics as well.

One key element within the ‘device’ section of the tab is the ability to compare mobile with desktop/tablet etc.

The benefits of this are clear, average positions on one are vastly different from another then a mobile SEO strategy may need to be put in place.

Using the a number (or all) of the variables along the top level gives insight to the progress of cross device targeting. For example, an increase in mobile impressions or clicks, paired with the ongoing management of a successful desktop campaign. Included within this should be the average positions on each device.


Targeting International SEO Using Country Insights

The next aspect of Google Search Console that is beneficial to marketers (in particular for companies targeting an international SEO strategy) is the ‘countries’ tab.

This option shows a broad spectrum of information detailing the locations of strong search performance and geographical areas where it could be improved.

If targeting SEO on an international level, it is essential each country receives a targeted campaign to account for different search trends and buying habits; using Google Search Console creates a window to these search trends and allows for a comprehensive international search strategy to be built.


What Can Marketers Gain from Google Search Console’s Search Analytics?


  • Search trend data

  • Geographical data

  • Device data

  • Keyword ideas/targets

  • Market Insights


POLARIS is an SEO Agency in London providing search marketing consultation to a range of global clients.

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