If your ecommerce business has over 10,000 products, you are going to need some significant reporting. This will be required, to ensure you have full clarity and visibility on the performance of your SEO strategy.

Lately, we have been working on an ecommerce project and with the site having approximately 12,500 products, we found that we needed to review the standard level of tracking we had setup for this account.

Product level keyword tracking within ecommerce websites

In the first instance, we decided to dramatically increase the number of keywords we were tracking. Initially, we were tracking around 2,000. However, a few weeks ago we saw a change in the products that were driving sales and wanted to understand this in more detail. We therefore realised that these 2,000 keywords were not enough.

These keywords might give us a clear indication of the increases we are achieving based on the work we are doing to improve particular keywords within an SEO strategy however they tell us little about the sites overall SEO performance.

Therefore, we increased this to include all product titles on exact match and also variations including the word “cheap”. This took our keyword tracking up to 19,000 keywords.

Whilst a significant increase, we now have total visibility across the site and any fluctuations across any category will be determined thanks to the full scale of tracking implemented.

Tracking category page performance within ecommerce websites

Next, we have setup specific dashboards for each category, so that each of the 45 categories within the site can be monitored too. Again, we saw some changes in some of the category pages and how they were indexing, and as such realised that we could increase the overall visibility for them by creating custom dashboards using Google data studio.

We now track generic category name terms, including relevant variations based on search volume data to again increase visibility we have for category page performance.

Working on this ecommerce website, we found that the way that products are loaded on category pages and the amount of copy and links that are output have a significant different on crawl rates and also the equity that’s passed to individual products.

Ultimately, we have found that without this level of ranking visibility, we cannot accurately analyse site wide shifts and changes and be able to continue to drive SEO performance forward through competitor, search engine and market changes. By doing so, we are putting ourselves as an ecommerce seo agency in the best position to continue to drive success through data led decisions.


Polaris is an award-winning B2B SEO agency in London specialising B2B, PPC, e-commerce and the healthcare industry.

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Expand Your eCommerce SEODecember 11th, 2017
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