Businesses that we’ve Guided on their SEO Journey


Our Technology

With over 15 years of experience and heritage, our business is supported by a technology backbone that offers clients continuity, efficiency, and digital advancement.

Bright Metrics, Reporting Technology

Our proprietary reporting platform for client partners. Our platform has been designed to be your single source of truth when it comes to digital performance.

Built upon a number of APIs bright metrics pulls third party data together to give marketers a clear understanding of how much ROI is being achieved through investing in POLARIS.

Zoho One, CRM and Project Technology

Our operations and delivery sit upon the leading enterprise level software platform Zoho. With significant customisation we now utilise the business platform to manage over 150 projects at any one time, worldwide.

The platform allows clients access to see exactly what activity is planned, how resource is being allocated and how close we are to achieving our milestones together.

Pinpoint, Keyword Research Technology

Pinpoint is our proprietary targeting tool which collates data from 4 sources to assist team members in determining the right targeting strategies for your campaigns.

Using a combination of keyword data, search data, and customer intent analysis, pinpoint provides a high level of intelligence that can be considered when planning a campaign strategy.

Sphere, Site Migration Technology

Navigating site launches are considerably challenging. At POLARIS, we utilise technology to provide an unfounded level of confidence when it comes to mitigating migration risk.

Sphere is a site migration crawler technology that grades the complexities of a migration and measures risk analysis accordingly.

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Reasons to listen to us...
118 %avg increase in rankings
768 %avg increase in traffic
721 %average RoI
"On average, our client partners see a 721% increase in their investment with POLARIS."
Amo SokhiDirector
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