SEO relies on a professional level of online content, written by experienced individuals with authority on the matter, or an SEO agency. The content strategy of a business needs to be linked to the overall SEO strategy, and must follow the findings from the agency’s keyword research.

SEO Planning Process

The planning process of SEO copywriting is longer for some sectors – like healthcare -than it is for other sectors of activity, based on the sensitivity of the subjects at hand. Marketers can make the most out of their field by fully utilising the knowledge of their clients and sharing exclusive and useful information with their audience. Interviewing CEOs, encouraging high level employees to blog, writing biographies for the staff are all sure ways to get SEO copywriting right. It provides a legitimate source of advice and information for the online reader, who is bound to return on the website if the content is both accurate and helpful.

Tracking the Online Reader’s Psychology

Tracking industry-specific search trends on search engines and following the keywords plan gives a structure for digital content as it provides marketers with an insight to the users’ psychology and interests. Caution must be taken when it comes to vocabulary, as copy written by high levels of management could easily get too technical for readers. A blog post written by an experienced manager must be easy to understand for the audience it targets, hence the need to ask an SEO agency to proof check all content before publishing it.

Why Every Word Counts

Marketers – in all sectors of activity – must inspect each word used on their corporate website, trading website, blog, social media and all external communications to ensure the relevant topics and search terms picked by the SEO agency are used regularly. Ranking first on SERPs for vanity keywords doesn’t necessarily come down to quality of service or results but the visibility of websites (from external links, referred domains and search engines), a good reason for marketers to invest in SEO services.


POLARIS is an SEO agency in London with expertise in building successful campaigns for local, national and international businesses in the E-commerce, travel, B2B and healthcare sectors.

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