The highly anticipated Google Panda Update will happen in two to four weeks.

According to Google, the Panda update is not an algorithm change but a data refresh. This means that websites that have suffered from the algorithm may recover in the next few months . More importantly, recovery may not happen for all websites, and new websites may be hit by the Panda data refresh.

What you need to know about the Google Panda Update :

  • Search filter introduced in February 2011
  • First presented as a search results ranking algorithm change
  • CNET reported sites with large amounts of advertising dropped in rankings
  • News websites and social media sites climbed up in SERPs
  • Keeps poor quality content away from Google’s top search results
  • Hit websites may escape with the right changes
  • Panda may catch poor quality content websites again
  • Refreshing might release ‘false positives

Google is a lot more open about Panda in 2015 than in 2011 and this is helped by the need to manually update the Panda algorithm. This transparency from Google is perfect for forward-planning campaigns and for using an update as a deadline, or a springboard, for a website which is engaging and useful to users. Information and content are key for Panda. A website which translates a knowledge of the industry creates a strong platform for organic success.

What you need to do:

  • Get an SEO agency to audit your site content
  • Adapt your content strategy
  • Improve the quality of your website’s content
  • Publish unique and original content
  • Think about the future and plan

Polaris is an organic SEO agency based in London serving across the UK. If you need a website content audit, or need any assistance with your SEO marketing strategy, contact Polaris on 0203 475 6799.

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