Google’s updating regularly, social network’s growing in importance and online purchases are increasing in popularity. It’s now more important than ever to have a strong and active SEO strategy with a credited SEO agency.

A content strategy that is engaging, compelling and interesting to a website’s audience and allows the site to improve its search engine metrics and gain a positive reputation is an important aspect of any SEO plan.

Link building is key!

Avoid A Purposeless Social Strategy

Your social strategy needs to be aligned with your SEO goals. A common misconception is that social engagement such as re-tweets or likes will impact positively in your search engine results. A social media presence is undoubtedly important for any brand, but does little for your ranking.

Similarly, you should be ensuring that any influential bloggers/vloggers not only talk about your product or service but also link back to your site.

Avoid Misplacing Your Content

Ensure your content is placed on your site or referenced on good, credited websites and always linked back to you.

Focus on quality over quantity and ensure the links you receive from other websites are trusted and approved by Google.

You already know that every piece of content you create needs to be interesting, compelling and worth reading. But who should you be targeting? Of course your content needs to be useful to your customers but it should be relevant and appealing to the online influencers who have the most authority in the eyes of Google. You’ll increase your link authority if you target those online influencers whose link back to your site.

Avoid Ignoring the Data at Hand

Metrics are an SEO professional’s best friend and the use of quantitative data to draw conclusions from content campaigns is key to improving results next time around.

Use campaign tagging on content campaigns to find where the most valuable sharing takes place, and through which channels greater traction is made. This will allow for the tracking of everything from hits, to time on site, pages visited and eventual leads or on site events.

For example, if content is shared on LinkedIn and results in 500 hits to the site, and 10 leads it could be deemed a success. But if you’re sharing on a particular website, receive no hits and subsequently no leads, a decision can be made about alternative publications next time around and more budget could be placed into LinkedIn, with a paid campaign to increase exposure further.

POLARIS is an SEO Agency in London with experience in Ecommerce, travel and B2B sectors. Please contact one of our account managers at today for a free audit.

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SEO Techniques to AvoidOctober 18th, 2012