So, you’ve spent day and night perfecting your product/service. Your website is going to be launched soon but you don’t have to worry about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) just yet, right? Wrong. SEO is actually essential at that very point. Here are the five top tips on SEO for a new site launch.


  1. Create and publish a ‘coming soon’ page

The main benefit of doing this is to gain Google authority. The search engine gives older sites more rankings so the longer your website is around the better chance you have of ranking when you officially launch. Remember to optimise the page and include your relevant keywords. Use this as an opportunity to showcase the exciting logos and images you’ve curated for your website.

  1. Jump on the social media wagon

Anyone that doesn’t know the opportunities social media can create for websites has been living under a rock! You can raise awareness about the launch of your site and have people following you for news updates. Apart from the excitement you can create around your brand, social media presence and influence is now considered a ranking factor on Google.

  1. Tell bloggers about your business

As a new business, you’re probably thinking of ways to raise awareness and promote your brand. Why not get in contact with relevant bloggers and tell them all about your services? If you’re a clothing brand and they’re fashion bloggers, chances are they might want to write some of your products. They might even link to you’re ‘coming soon’ page so you’ll already have some quality links!


You might also like to write some guest blog posts. Not only can you link to your new business, but also build a reputation as an authority in your field.


  1. Have a handful of blog posts ready to publish!


You might find yourself really busy once the website has been launched. So, it’s a good idea to have around 5-10 blog posts ready to publish. These should all be optimised and good quality with 350-500 words. Web crawlers will be visiting your site in order to index it so it’s important that there is some rich information from the very first day.

  1. Optimise your new pages with long-tail keywords

All the new pages need to be optimised with relevant keywords. The new website stands very little chance with big players on ranking for broad keywords. So, identify all the relevant long-tail keywords and optimise your site accordingly.


POLARIS is a leading SEO agency based in London. Specialising in the Healthcare, Travel and B2B sectors, POLARIS offer a wealth of knowledge from a dedicated team of SEO and Digital Marketing experts.

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