Here at Polaris SEO Agency, we believe if you work hard, you should play hard. When we’re not busy getting our clients to the top of Google through quality content creation and some nifty technical tinkering, we all love a bit of a drink. Over the last few months at Polaris there have been a lot of changes, and the team has had a bit of a reshuffle. With everyone still working from home, we thought it was time to get the team together in person and have a bit of fun.  

The team made their way down to T.T. Liquor in Shoreditch, ready for some cocktail creation fun. The masterclass was headed up by a pro bartender, who helped the team prepare 4 different cocktails, including a spectacular fiery tiki cocktail. There was also a cocktail creation competition, where the group was split into two teams. Using the provided spirits, syrups, herbs and fruit, they were each tasked with coming up with their very own cocktail. The winners came up with a fruity, short, and sweet cocktail (after a few failed attempts) which everyone agreed was very drinkable. It was a great opportunity to learn some bartending tips, and to relax and have a bit of fun! 

As this was the first time getting together for a lot of the team, it was really great to see everyone getting along. Everyone is really looking forward to working together in the future and looking to achieve some great things with the agency.  

If you’d like to work with us on your SEO projects, get in touch.

Polaris. Let’s talk. 

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