Google has planned to set out to change the face of online e-commerce with its soon-to-be launched ‘Google Buy Now Button’ allowing users to buy online goods straight from the search results page on mobile devices.

So, what does this mean for e-commerce owners?

E-retailers can expect the following:

  • A Google Buy Now Button on the search engine results page
  • The ability to purchase goods online much faster and more accessible
  • The chance to compare prices against other competitors

It is certain the Google Buy Now button will change e-retail, in various ways. This latest addition could have a knock-on effect on e-commerce sites as users will be less likely to click-through to the original online store, and see any possible offers. The user’s ability to browse the e-store for any other product might be affected too.

This Google Buy Now Button will potentially only work if the user already knows what they want to purchase. For example, instead of searching ‘large flat screen tv’, users who type in ‘Sony Bravia kdl’ will see the Google Buy Now Button on the results page.

Nick Haggis, SEO account manager adds: “Google has had the Buy Now Button on their cards for quite some time now and it will be interesting to know how users and e-retailers will respond to this. Furthermore, only time will tell if this only applies to e-commerce websites which are already mobile responsive”.

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