The B2B SEO market differs hugely from an agency perspective when compared to consumer facing SEO campaigns. In short, B2B SEO campaigns need to consider differing conversion funnels, valued driven KPIs and how the buying process is likely to include more than one purchaser, with the ultimate decision maker responsible, but not necessarily carrying out, the final conversion.

With these points in mind, how does a B2B SEO agency, or an in-house B2B digital marketing team, need to approach a website with long term success in mind?

Understanding multiple buyers within B2B SEO

In the first instance there is an obvious need to understand the buying funnel in order to target multiple aspects of an SEO campaign to the right users.

A business, before an agency, will know (or at least have an idea) of the types of purchasers – for example, software or microchips are likely to be directed at product managers. However, within product management teams there could be a number of roles, ranging from junior to senior roles. Analysis of the initial contact with business should be carried out, are leads starting with juniors, or are they starting with senior members of teams?

The language of B2B SEO

Beyond this, a consideration for language – terminology is rife in all industries and users will use this terminology to find specific answers to the questions or queries they might have.

For every service offered, create a map highlighting the different terminology associated to it, then each landing page which should be associated with that term. Then, systematically audit each of the associated pages for keyword density and placement. If terminology isn’t located on the page it is wise to then update pages to include elements of this into the natural language of the page.

Funnelling conversions and conversion channels

Within any SEO campaign an agency will determine where each of the touch-points of conversion should be.

The above highlights a basic conversion funnel – a user may download information, the make an enquiry, book a meeting and eventually lead onto a sale. Of course, every B2B sales process is different, and therefore so is every B2B SEO campaign and subsequent sales funnel.

Within the conversion funnel the above two points also need to be considered:

  • Who makes each conversion?
  • How are they searching, sharing and interacting with a business?

The final element of course is:

  • How long does the sales process typically take?

Dripfeed marketing to benefit SEO

Beyond typical SEO campaigns, supporting marketing efforts should be considered to benefit the conversion process.

Dripfeed marketing campaigns are a hugely beneficial tool to do this and once setup work in a very simple way.

Each conversion point or data gathering point will generate an email marketing list which has set triggers dependant on user actions.

For example, if user A and user B both download a product specification document they will be added to the list. Should user A return and make an initial enquiry, they would then move along the process. Should user B not make an enquiry, they will be sent an email with tailored content and again dependant on the action taken, will move through the process on multiple lists until sales.


The above highlights on a basic level how this process would keep users engaged through targeted emails dependant on decision making. Naturally, each business is likely to have different touch points and timescales between emails should be set up. At the heart of this is ensuring users remain engaged with a B2B SEO campaign and the sales process.

Long term processes with B2B SEO

Consider that SEO is a long-term investment and with the competitive nature of any B2B market it is essential to ensure a visibility and placement is where it needs to be for each stage of the sales funnel.


POLARIS is a specialist B2B SEO agency in London. All B2B SEO campaigns are designed with buying cycles, different users and conversion funnels in mind.

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